lying adj. 说谎的,虚妄的,虚伪的。 a lying rumour 谣传,谎言。 n. 说谎,谎话,虚伪。 adv. -ly adj. 卧着的,躺着的。 n. 横卧;横卧处。 lying down 躺倒认输;不作反抗; lying-in-state 著名人物的遗体公开陈列告别仪式 (lying-in-state hall 遗体告别礼堂)。 lying-in-the-road death 交通事故死亡。
Assist client to sitting or side - lying position 协助病人取坐位或侧卧位。
Common sites : prone position lying position 压疮常见的位置:
Sedan chair - part 3 : lying position ; dimensions , requirements , tests 可折叠担架.第3部分:横卧位置.尺寸要求试验
In lying position picture 1 于躺时附图一
Comparative study on the effect of different lying position on the increase of body weight of premature 不同卧位对早产儿体重增长影响的对比研究
Satisfy her need for sucking . you may breastfeed her while you are in a lying position 你也可考虑喂哺母乳或给宝宝奶嘴,因为吸吮能安慰婴儿,还能给他安全感。
B . if client cannot tolerate sitting , supine position is allowed for anterior chest and side - lying position is used for posterior chest 如病人无法坐起,可取仰卧位听诊前胸,侧卧位听诊后背。
10 examination of fire - protection apparatus are ( according to “ safe drawing ” ) checked the quality , amount , arrangement and lay position of portable type foam fire extinguisher , co2 fire extinguisher , every kind of fire extinguisher , fire hose boxes , fire axe , all kinds of fire fighting facilities and spare aeration equipment supply for firemen ' s breathing apparatus , and examine whether is easy to get and facility to use 防火设备的检验(按照《安全图》 )检验手提式泡沫灭火器、 co2灭火器、各类灭火器、消防水龙带箱、消防斧、各种救火设施和消防员呼吸器的备用充气设备的质量、数量、布置及其安放位置,以上设备是否能容易取得和方便使用。